Chrome 85.0 Edge 85.0 Firefox 80.0 全平台官网离线下载

Google Chrome 85.0 / Microsoft Edge 85.0 / Mozilla Firefox 80.0 全平台官网离线下载

作者:gc(at),主x P + y 8 H页

原文发% I f ) b链接: v ! Y xme-Edge-Firefox-Download/

空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。明月松间照,清泉石上流。 --N % 3 g ) 《山居秋暝》【唐】 王维

8 月底三大浏览器齐发整数版半整数版更新,当然还有 Apple Safari 14 也即将到来!

Google Chrome 85.0 官网离线下载地址

备注:Chrome 内置多国语言界面。D 2 X )

macOS 最新稳定版固定下载U k ^ @ & X , 地址

Chrome for macOS

Linux 最新稳定版固` O 0 i f ] F 8定下载地址

Chrome for Linux – deE @ H h pb

Chrome for Linux – rpm

Windows System Setup 最新稳定版固定下载地址

(安装在 Program Files 文件夹下,需要管理员权限安装)

Google Chrome Syst+ ] w H b E U o bem Setup x86 - 32bit

Google Chrome System SE r E Q = G /etup x64 - 64bit

Windows User Setup (安装在 Users 文件夹下)


85q G # z r ^ T.0 64-bit

<7 ( B * y (;

< G T $ Z 6 ` Melease2/_ S % ? 6 % S & DchromeG ? ( N [/dgzvVjAkTZIkBgMK3tMSHQ_85.0.4183.83/85.0.4183.83_chrome_inw x F k Z ( wstaller.exl ; L Q s Ve&gt;. w x

< ` z o | | F N / ( AkTT . ; i W R |ZIkBgMK3tM6 - H ^ o $SHQ_85.0.4183.83/85.0.4183.8g J T H T3_chrome_insW e ctaller.exe&gt;

< g C k * 7 # y QvVjAkTZIkBgMK3tMSHQ_85.0.L X U : Y d4183.83/85.0.4183.83_chrome_installer.exe&gt;

< U * M 1 0 )zvVjAkTZIkBgMK3tMSHQ_85.0.4183.83/85.0.4183.83_chrome_installer.exe&gt;

< K v / u X/release1 , 3 = h Y . { *2/chrome/dgzvVjAl a J ikTZIkBgMK3tMSHQ_85.0.4183.83/85.0.4183.83_chrome_installer.exe&gt;

85.0 3- 5 [ [2-bit

&u - ~lt; $ m { b r L !elease2/cC - l 6 7 x !hrome/ANoq_PowC_s23Xu1PazKEzg_85.0.4183.83/85.0.4183.83N / _chrome_installer.exe&gtQ j p w O + t r;

<o } H s o # n; % } l W3.83/85.0.41; t ? - D e v ; S83.83_chrome_installer.exe&gt;

< 8 Z 8 h/chrome/ANoq_@ P } ] FPowC_s23Xu1PazKEzg_85.0.4183.83/85.0.4183.83_chrome_installer.exe&gt;


< A kg_85.0.4183.83/85.0.4183.8M 6 5 G3_chrome_installerz , !.exe&gt;


Windows 版固定下载地址(需要文明访问)

If you want to install Google Chrome for single user ac6 u jcount:

Download= k M u ) } + % | Google Chrome Offline Installer (32-bit)

Download Google Chrome Offline Installer (64-bit)

If youn q 4 b ` = A e L want to ins, y N ^ j s 5 _ St? q } /all Google Chrome for all useI R L ` X dr accoz i t @ % R Vunts:

Goo| j 2 x p ? ~gle Chrome Offline Insta1 F O 9 `ller for All Use] z 8 M h Zr Accoun~ B wts (32-bit)

Google Chrome Offl9 } h E i Qine Installer for All User Accounts (64-bit)

Download Full Offline Windows Installer (MSI) of Google Chrome:

DownloaQ : i K ; 7 C Qd Google Chrome: , [ ] + MSI Installer for Windows

Dow* . (nload Google Chrome MSI Installer for Windows (Alternative Link)

Mi| { t ^ T / + / Kcrosoft Edge 85.0 全平台离线下载

备注:Edge 内置多国语言界面。

Version 85.0.p # x h K564.41: August 27

Release N@ X b D /otes:

Windows 64-bit

http://dl.dy ) ! M _ * _ D |amingservice/files/0083d4f9-6b4f-4bcc-9c6e-838705f33904/MicrosoftEx ] k f 9 J f qdgeEnterpriseX64.msi

Window] o S 7s 32-bit S [oftEdgeEnterpriseX86.msi

Windows ARM64

http://dl.deliverX 1 $ v s p E 5 Nfilestreamingservi$ 8 m , S =ce/files/W v U o ? ] [ S71c86710-a34e-48f2-a66f-5f09a46508c6/MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseARM64.msi


https://officecdn-microsoft-com.akamaized._ s Znet/pr/C1297A47-86C4-4C1F-97FA-950631F94777/MacAutoupdate/MicroN g ? $ e /softEdge-85.0.564.41.pkg

Mozilla Firefp i Yox 80.0 全平台, . )下载

Version 80.0, first offj M | L V @ w Dered to Release channel users on August 25, 2020

Release Notes:https://ww7 1 ; c ! P ; _


  • 简体中文版:Z 6 6

  • 英文版:

https://ftp.mozilla.orv K z a 0 ~ ]g/pub/fi , 6refox/reler Z Q z sases/80.0/macG | $ . d u W/en-US/Firefox%2080.0.dmg a = + ? _x/releases/80.0/mac/en-US/Firefox%n & ) . G a h L2080.0.pkg

Windows 64-bit

  • 简体中文版:

httK P & 2 N 1ps:// E c 2 [ox/releases/80.0/wt w } S P Iin64/zh-CN/Firefox%20Setup%: ` s2080.0.exe

  • 英文版: m * +win64/en-US/Firefox%20Setup%2080.0.exe

Windows 32-bit

  • 简体中文版: ; D U = ?sesz H ! t 3/h x e80.0/win32/zh-CN/Firefox%20S# C uetup%2080.0.exe

https://ftpA s l R ] + H xox/releases/80.0/win32/zh-CN/Firefox%20Setup%2% . n d F T080.0.msi

  • 英文版:

https://. 2 [ S ) ] e : h ) L $ h/en-US/Firefox%20Setup%2080.0.exe o # a Aub/fireP Z X A tfox/releases/80.0/win32/en-US/Firefox%20Setup%2080.0.msi

Linux 64-bit

  • 简体中文版: 1 P T x a A O n0.0/linux-x86_64/zh-CN/firefox-80.0.tar.bz2

  • 英文版: j D Q L nleases/80.0/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-80.0.tar.bz2

Linux 32-bit

  • 简体中文版: ` : L D X B $fox-80.0.tar.bz2

  • 英文版: b o t $ N w t Kirefox/releases/80.0/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-80.0.tar.bz2